Posted: 5 March 2024

M-ERA.NET 3, the European and international network for research and innovation on materials and battery technologies, has launched the Call 2024 on 5 March 2024.

35 national and regional funding organisations from 28 countries, across Europe and beyond are participating in that call with an indicative total budget of more than 35 Million €.

The Call 2024 aims to fund ambitious transnational research and innovation on advanced materials and addresses the following thematic areas:

  • Sustainable advanced materials for energy
  • Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
  • High performance composites
  • Functional materials
  • Materials addressing environmental challenges
  • Next generation materials for advanced electronics

Transnational projects funded by M-ERA.NET are expected to contribute to the European Green Deal and to support the Sustainable Development Goals. They combine materials research with industrial needs by stimulating new products and production processes and will develop synergies that can be very effective in strengthening the European materials ecosystem.

Deadline for mandatory pre-proposals is 14 May 2024 (12:00 noon / Brussels time)

All the details on topics, participating countries/regions can be found on the Call 2024 information page.

We strongly recommend contacting your regional/national funding agency for regional/national programme details.


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